Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Trio Three-Eighty
Today I heard Trio Three-Eighty perform holiday classics at the Mayo Clinic. It put me in a very good mood. So good in fact, I didn't even mind the long, long, long line at Best Buy or all the crowds shopping for groceries at Trader Joe's and Costco. Listening to great music always puts me in a relaxed, calm mood...the perfect antidote for holiday shopping.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Phoenix Boys Choir
On Sunday evening hubby and I attended our first Phoenix Boys Choir "Spirit of the Holidays" concert. They had their little guys in training there along with their Touring Choir and their Master's Choir. Also at the end they had their alumni in the audience get up on stage and sing along with them.
I sat next to man who flew in from Wisconsin just for the concert. He has been coming to this concert every year. He had a nephew in the Choir for many years, but now even though his nephew is grown up and has moved away, he said coming to hear the Phoenix Boys Choir every year has become a tradition for him. I certainly can understand this. Even hubby said as we were leaving that he would love to bring his mother to the concert next year. If my hubby is already thinking about coming back next year, you know this was one GREAT performance.
Fry's Fresh Attractions
On Sunday afternoon I attended a cooking class at Fry's Signature Marketplace. The class featured a semi-homemade Holiday Pot Luck of Chicken Tetrazzini and fast & easy Tiramusa. The phrase "semi-homemade" appealed to me. I am not or have ever been into cooking or baking. I do it because I have to...not because I want to. Shopping for groceries, preparing and cooking a meal, and cleaning up is a big waste of time to me...I have better things to do with my day. I'm not even into going out to dinner...I would rather spend the money on some form of entertainment.
Okay, since I HAVE to cook, I thought I should try to make some different dishes. This cooking class was not only informative, but also fun. There were six of us in the class and all were newbies to this cooking school just like myself. I will definitely make the Chicken Tetrazinni for my next Bunko party, and for some out-of-town guests who are coming to town soon.
Angel Day
Saturday I spent the day painting angels on all my gift bags and boxes. I had a lot more bags and boxes than pictured above.
I also painted the same angels on 5 x 7 canvas boards. Angels have always centered in my holiday themes, mostly because I like them, but also because they are non-denominational.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Pete Pancrazi
It finally stopped raining. Us Zonies don't like rain because we don't like to get wet...we think we might melt like the Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz if we get a little water on us. :-)
Today I heard Pete Pancrazi perform. He sang and played mostly Holiday music, and the sun made an appearance through the atrium windows while he played. All was sunny and bright today.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Hugo 3D
Another cold and rainy day here in the Valley of the Sun. Woke up this morning to a cold and dark bedroom. While laying in bed I decided what I was planning on doing was not going to work out, and I thought about going to a movie. I made the decision to go see Martin Scorsese's new film Hugo. After getting out of bed, I checked the internet for show times, and was also happy to read that just today Hugo received 11 nominations from the BFCA's. So it was a great choice to see, and I really enjoyed this film.
On a side note: My favorite actor, Leonardo DiCaprio also received a BFCA nomination for Best Actor in J. Edgar. I know exactly what I will be doing on January 12, 2012...watching this Critic Choice award show and rooting for Leo.
Sylvan Street
Monday was a cold and rainy day, and my hubby and I had dermatologist appointments. Not exactly a day you want to spring out of bed to start. But the day became a lot brighter and cheerier when we headed over to The Musical Instrument Museum to hear Sylvan Street perform. They were fantastic and made the dreary day a whole lot better, and getting all our moles checked out not so bad.
On a side note: Andrew Hix, Sylvan Street's drummer and singer is a DePaul University School of Music graduate. Hubby and I are also DePaul graduates, and I met my hubby in the faculty dining room on the 4th floor of DePaul's downtown campus on February 18, 1980.
I have not been to The MIM in awhile, and I will definitely get there more next year. That's a promise...because I just LOVE this place.
Purple Blossoms
Purple Blossoms
On Sunday I went back to Me the Artist to paint Purple Blossoms. Painting has become very addicting.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Gifts of Music
I enjoyed two great Gifts of Music this week. On Thursday I heard the Mayo Clinic Choir perform their annual Holiday selections at the Mayo Clinic. The choir consists of dedicated employees who are very gifted with the ability to sing, and also there were gifted musicians as well. The place was more crowded than seemed more of the employees at Mayo came to hear their friends sing.
Then on Saturday, my friend and neighbor invited me to attend with her and her mother a peformance at ASU Gammage Theatre of a White Christmas. Her husband got called to work suddenly and couldn't go, so I was invited to take his place. What a nice gift! We had great seats, and the production was extraordinary. Two wonderful, and truly gifts of music.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Mornings At Seven
On Sunday I went to the Desert Stages Theatre in Scottsdale to see Mornings at Seven. The cast and production was stellar as usual. The script was...let's say - dysfunctional. There were four sisters, three the brother-in-laws, a nerdy nephew with a oh-so-nice fiance set in 1939...oh, but what a dysfunctional family. This script made me realize what a normal family I much so...I need to call my big sister in Chicago to tell her how much I love having her as a sister. :-) We have always been close, and she gets along with my husband very well...but not that well. lol
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Mom, Sis and Me outside our Chicago family home. |
First Saturday Art Walk in Fountain Hills
This past Saturday I went to the First Saturday Art Walk in Fountain Hills which is held by the great fountain. The weather was horrible...cold and rainy. The day looked nothing like the above picture. There were only a few artists who showed up, but luckily for me, one of the best ones was there. I managed to buy all the gifts I needed for my holiday shopping from this one artist. She gave me a great discount on all my purchases and I bought local...which is a win, win for everyone.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
At Sunday's Me the Artist event we painted two horses. I'm getting more daring with my painting selections. :-)
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Hidden In The Hills Studio Tour
Okay, so I hate to shop, but I really hate to shop when the weather outside is perfect. So since it was such a perfect day here on Saturday, I decided to go to the Hidden In The Hills Studio Tour. I have not done this tour in quite of few years, so it was a real treat seeing all the artists in their work studios. I pre-selected which studios I was going to visit, and was most interested in the studios where there were paintings. I had a lovely afternoon meeting and talking with many of the artists. It's always interesting to see where they live and work.
Note to self for next year's Hidden In The Hills Studio Tour: Don't wash your car before going because it will get filthy dirty driving on all those gravel and dirt roads. :-)
Small Business Saturday
I received a few emails from small businesses I have supported in the past about Small Business Saturday®. On Saturday, November 26th, American Express offered its customers a one-time $25 credit for spending $25 or more at participating small businesses the day after Black Friday. The 2nd annual Small Business Saturday® is a day dedicated to supporting small businesses on one of the busiest shopping weekends of the year. They ask people to Shop Small at their favorite local stores and help fuel the economy. When we all shop small, it's huge. I totally agree, plus local merchants keep more money circulating in the local economy, so it's a win win situation.
I only have and use an American Express card because I need it for my Costco food shopping. There was nothing in particular I needed to buy this weekend, so when I received an email from Desert Stages Theatre asking me to donate the $25 to them to help them weather the economic storm..I was more than happy to give them $25. They need it to keep their theatre going, and I don't need to buy stuff I really don't need. It's a win, win all around.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Ronald Jean - The Guitar Man
My Wednesday lunch time concert featured The Guitar Man, Ronald Jean. He played a lovely selection of songs that are very popular and easy listening. Then he came around and asked the people there what they wanted to hear. I told him I would love to hear anything by George Harrison. He played While My Guitar Gently Weeps. Good choice. :-)
Sunday, November 20, 2011
My New Me'sterpiece
Cactus in Bloom
I spent my Sunday afternoon creating my new Me'sterpiece at Me the Artist studio. Just call me Vicky Van Gogh. :-)
Scottsdale, Scottsdale, Scottdale
Location, Location, Location...that is truly what makes life wonderful. On Saturday I spent a lovely day doing things in Scottsdale. I first started off my day going to the Scottsdale Old Town Farmers' Market.
I ended my day in Scottdale going to the Borgata for their weekly Saturday Jazz Fests and I heard Mel Bridges and his band perform.
After that I headed to the Artfest of Scottsdale to browse through all the art vendors and hear the local musicians playing.
I ended my day in Scottdale going to the Borgata for their weekly Saturday Jazz Fests and I heard Mel Bridges and his band perform.
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Mel Bridges |
I truly LOVE where I live. :-)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Four Seasons Orchestra
Wednesday's concert featured four woman from the Four Seasons Orchestra. They played pieces from the Baroque, Classical and Contemporary eras. They were all pieces you would recognize even if you knew nothing about music. Many people stopped and listened to would be hard to just walk on by without spending a few minutes listening to their beautiful music. Another delightful afternoon. :-)
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Sleuth @ Fountain Hills Theatre
Sunday I attended the last performance of Sleuth at the Fountain Hills Theatre. I never saw this play anywhere before, nor did I see the film version. I always read about the plot and the characters before I go and see something, so I knew all the secrets before hand. But that did not keep from enjoying this wonderful production. Even though there is only one setting, and two actors in the play, this play is very engaging, and the time passes quickly.
My favorite gem in the desert, Fountain Hills Theatre, has been hard hit by a poor economy. They lost over $50,000 in corporate sponsorships this year and are in desperate need for donations to keep open. I really hope all who attend productions there and know how great they are will donate what they can to help them out. To me the best medicine for anything that ails you is to be entertained by a live performance.
Cord Nash Skyvarek and Peter J. Hill
Fountain Hills Art and Craft Festival
I spent Saturday morning walking around the Fountain Hills Art and Craft Festival. It turned out to be a nice rain and some sun. I got there just before 10:00 am, so I got a great place to park, and it didn't start getting crowded until about 11:00. Last year after taking a few jewelry making courses, I loved going to all the Art Fests to really look at the jewelry. I had a new appreciation for all the jewelry designers and makers work. This year just after taking one painting class, I was really into studying all the painters work. I even asked a few questions of them, which I never did before.
After spending a couple of hours at the art fair, I headed back to Me the Artist for another Saturday afternoon of painting. I am kind of getting addicted to painting now. I'm always one of the slowest students in the class, and always way behind the group, but I still have a good time. As soon as I am done with my painting, I always want to start over because I know I can always do it just a little better. I have picked days to paint where the selected painting of the day seems a little easier for a non-artist like myself. I know I will go back again and try to tackle something a little more difficult.
Yellow Bird
Friday, November 11, 2011
I am all about journeying to your creative heart space, and what a better day to do this than on 11.11.11 when the energies are more open to you. Last night on 11/10, I participated in a global meditation via the internet which was led from Australia where it was already 11.11.11. We gathered as a Global Community of Light to contribute to the global intention of a peaceful, loving New Earth, and the evolution of the Divine Human. Tonight I will gather together once again on our 11.11.11 here in the US with the same Global Community of Light and with our Universal Invocation to balance polarity in Gaia and to Activate the Universal codes of Unity Consciousness.
I also joined today on 11.11.11 at 11:00 am Arizona time, another global meditation via the internet which was led from Sedona, Arizona where we sent love and light to Gaia and all our brothers and sisters on and off planet Earth.
So don't waste this powerful day to contribute your personal intention to the global intention for peaceful, heart-centered lives! Namaste!
And So It Is
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Margo Reed
On Wednesday I heard another fellow Chicagoan sing...Margo Reed. She is part of the Reed family who has been singing in the valley for decades. Unfortunately I never heard her sing before, so this was a great treat.
Dancing, playing music, singing, and the visual arts is what human beings do the best. And when people get to see these inspirational type of things, it will spark a different, happiness and gratitude.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Marmalade Skies
I ended this great weekend with another concert at the el Pedregal. The place was rockin with the Beatle tribute band Marmalade Skies. This was the third time I have had the opportunity to hear them play, and it won't be the last. I can never get tired of hearing Beatle songs, and this band is one of the best tribute bands around.
Me the Artist
I had one of my all-time favorite Artist Ways play dates yesterday at me the artist. This artist studio just opened up last week, and I had read an article all about them in the Arizona Republic. Since I have never picked up a paint brush in my life, I liked their concept of a painting activity designed for the non-artist. The art class was two hours and we were taught how to paint a Tree of Hearts. The two hours flew by, and I could have stayed longer. I found the class to be fun and relaxing. I know a lot of people who like being pampered with getting massages, facials, manicures and pedicures because they find it soothing and relaxing....well not me! I find tapping into my creativity the most relaxing. I also found this painting activity to be for me...very stress free, because I am a coloring outside the lines kind of girl. This class encourages you to follow her own inner artist and paint the picture your way....which I like. I will definitely be going back to Me the Artist again.
A Tree of Hearts
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Orquesta Filarmónica de Sonora
On Friday night hubby and I attended the Orquesta Filarmónica de Sonora concert at the Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts. This free concert kicked off the La Gran Fiesta this weekend which celebrates Latin and Hispanic Cultures.
Based in the city of Hermosillo and conducted by Maestro Hector Reyes Bonilla, Orquesta Filarmónica de Sonora performed a 'Fiesta Mexicana' featuring music from classic tangos, waltzes and danzones. The concert lasted just over two hours and was sensational. We had a very fun, delightful and enchanting evening.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Avira Flute Duo
Wednesday's Atrium Concert featured the Avira Flute Duo. Both women are fellow Chicagoans like me. :-) These Wednesday lunch time concerts are perfect for a midweek pick me-up, because they put a bounce in your step. I now actually looking forward to my Wednesday's of running errands and grocery shopping.
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Laura Strickland and Christina Reedis |
Wednesday's Atrium Concert featured the Avira Flute Duo. Both women are fellow Chicagoans like me. :-) These Wednesday lunch time concerts are perfect for a midweek pick me-up, because they put a bounce in your step. I now actually looking forward to my Wednesday's of running errands and grocery shopping.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Cupcake Love-In
On Sunday I headed over to the Hotel Valley Ho for the second annual Cupcake Love-In. This non-profit event helped support the Central Arizona Shelter Services (CASS) which has been empowering homeless individuals and families to become self-sufficient and effectively end their homelessness. So I ate delicious gourmet cupcakes to help homeless people. You get a choice of seven cupcakes for your donation, but one of the bakers were giving them away without a ticket, so I ate 8 cupcakes. Honestly, I could have eaten a few more, but I could feel my blood sugar rising.
Out of the 8 cupcakes I tried, my favorite cupcake was from Cupcakes By Design. They had a cupcake called a Lemon Tree which was a lemon cake with lemon filling and lemon icing and they had a edible butterfly on top. Pure Heaven!
I had to leave before they announced the raffle winners, so I just gave my raffle tickets to a man standing there with his little daughter. I hope he won something. I had to leave because I had to go to my monthly Meet-Up group meeting which was also our Halloween Party.
We had a guest speaker Cynthia Crawford at our Meet-Up group Halloween meeting. She sculpts all different kinds of ETs, and has just as many different and interesting stories to tell about each one she sculpts. My mother's favorite film of all time is Steven Spielberg's E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial. After seeing that film, she bought herself a leather ET doll and kept it on her bedroom dresser. I am definitely my mother's's in my DNA!
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