My Artist Date today was participating along with Tom Kenyon in a global meditation where people from all over the world got together for one hour and meditated together. This meditation is called The Crystal Palace Meditation. The purpose of this global meditation was to access higher levels of creativity, innate within us, and gain access to what we refer to as our Higher Self—which is simply an aspect of your consciousness that extends beyond the constraints of your awareness as it is currently experienced within the constraints of time and space. This Higher Self—this interdimensional aspect of your consciousness—is a potential source of immense inspiration, wisdom, insight and creativity.
I have meditated on and off for years. The longest meditation program I did was Holosync, which I did for almost two years. I have not lately done any meditation programs, I have only participated in a global meditations. The last two global meditations were for Fire the Grid. The first Fire the Grid had me up before 4:00am so I could participate in that meditation. Thankfully, this meditation today was at 3:00 pm my time, so there was no excuse in not doing it with the rest of the world.

Once in awhile I feel I need an adjustment or tune-up, so there is no static on my line to my Higher Self. Doing The Artist's Way course was exactly what I needed, and my Higher Self made sure I found out about this course. Like I said before, she always has my back.
Trust this still, small voice that says,
"This might work and I'll try it."