I am 48 years old and have never in my life ever made a turkey, and have never hosted a Thanksgiving holiday. When we lived in Chicago, we always went to my aunt's house for Thanksgiving. Once we moved to Arizona, we went to my mother-in-laws, friends, neighbors, client's houses, and even a couple of times to the French restaurant Voltaire for Thanksgiving dinner.
This year I volunteered to have Thanksgiving. I thought it was time I tackled making a turkey. For most people, making a turkey and all the other Thanksgiving dishes and desserts is no big deal, but I really do not like to cook or bake. I know cooking/baking is a real creative outlet for many people, but not me. I really want to like to cook, and I want to enjoy the experience, but I can't lie...I hate it.

I can scratch off making a turkey from my list of things I have not yet done. Making a home-made pumpkin pie is still on the list, and it can stay on the list for all I care. I would rather spend my time going to concerts to inspire me, or hiking to keep my body healthy and fit.
To keep the body in good health is a duty...Otherwise
we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.