I have been attending the Celebrate Your Life conferences since 2003, plus many individual events that Mishka Productions has put on over the years. This year I did not attend the conference to hear all the top selling authors talk, but I did go over to the Marriott Desert Ridge Resort yesterday for a few hours to soak up the energy. I have always loved going to this conference every year, mostly because of the energy of the people attending the conference. I have met people from all over the world who have come in to attend. I have always felt so fortunate because this conference is in my own backyard, yet people come in from all over the globe for this special get together. I made a heartfeld decision not to attend the conference this year, but that did not stop me from going over there yesterday morning to spend a couple of hours there and soak up the good vibrations.
When you attend the conference you really don't have a lot of time to spend lurking around and investigating all the vendors who are there. You are in and out of workshops all day long, and when you get a break I usually head for a bathroom first, then I try to get myself outside in the fresh air and sunshine for awhile, or eat a meal. So yesterday morning while the conference was in session and everyone was in a workshop I slipped in and spent time actually investigating all the vendors.

Next, I went over to the Chakra Life vendor who spent well over twenty minutes with me trying to clear my chakras of blocks. This is done by smelling a different blend of aroma therapy for each chakra while holding a pendulum over a corresponding crystal. Once the pendulum swings the way it is suppose to, then your chakra is open. I have studied chakras, Kundalini yoga, and energy medicine a little, so I understand how it works. But I also believe in The Biology of Belief where if you believe it will work, like a placebo pill, then it will work. For instance, if you believe the spirit of your dead cat is the force helping you out, then it will work. It has more to do with the TRUST vibration you are sending out to the universe, than the actual act.
All the years I have attended this conference, I have not spent even a minute investigating the vendors who are there, nor have I talked to them or even bought anything from them because of a time schedule I had to keep. This time, because I had no time constraints, I actually had some very nice chats with each and every one of them. I even bought a book from Alberto Villoldo, Courageous Dreaming: How Shamans Dream the World into Being. I also bought an angel that says, "Dream Big." When you awaken just enough to remember that you create your own reality, and this world is just an illusion or another dream you can control, then all you like to read and have around you are constant reminders of that fact.
My favorite line in a movie so far this year is from the film Inception, "You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling." That film is so deep on so many levels. Writer/director Christopher Nolan’s Inception on us is to plant the seed that will expand our definition of reality, to open up our paradigms and rattle our cages so that we can begin to find the activation of real knowledge that is stored inside of us. That is where the data is and he is trying to awaken it in all of us. He is planting an idea that can transform the world and rewrite all the rules…he is taking us to higher dimensions of consciousness. Here's hopping he succeeds.
Be really whole and all things will come to you.