Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Artist Date, Week 23 ~ The Dixie Swim Club

Last Sunday I went for the first time up to the Cactus Shadows Fine Arts Center in northern Scottsdale to see the Dixie Swim Club.  I liked what I heard, but I didn't hear much.  I had a last row seat on the far right side, and I have terrible hearing when it comes to high pitch voices and accents.  So I only heard some of the dialogue.  The theater was even larger than I expected, and the actors did not have any microphones on them or hanging over them, so I missed a lot of the dialogue.  The audience was laughing a lot...I only wish I could have heard what they were laughing about.  Next time I go there, I will make sure I have a front row seat.

The great thing about getting
older is that you don't lose all
the other ages you've been.