Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Artist Dates, Week 28 ~ I AM...The shift is about to hit the fan

On Tuesday afternoon my husband and I went to Tempe Harkins Valley Art Theater to see the new documentary, I AM.  I had received numerous e-mails from different groups I am a member of suggesting seeing this film once it hits my area.  I LOVED this's about the Shift in Consciousness this planet and all of us are going through...regardless if you know it or not. 

On the way home in the car, I told my husband that one sure sign of a shift in consciousness is when Fox News goes off the air because no one is watching them anymore.

Well this morning I see on the internet Fox News is taking off the air the Glenn Beck show because his show is down 35% in viewers this year.  Well that's a start with a shift in consciousness...hopefully the rest of the Fox News Network will follow. 

I would love everyone to go see this documentary I AM...because the sooner The Shift Hits the Fan...the Better.

Success can make you go one of two ways. 
It can make you a prima donna, or it can
smooth the edges, take away the insecurites,
let the nice things come out.