Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back from Winter Break

I'm back from my little Winter Break and ready to get into 2012 in a BIG way...can't wait!  2012 looks to be a  very exciting year...the old energy is breaking apart and dying, and all the new energy and light is flooding the planet.  All GOOD!

Over my little break I did some painting.  I mostly copied other peoples works, but I did paint one original painting myself.  I call it Funky Angels.

I only saw one movie over my little break, and it was The Descendants.  I liked it very much...not as much as Up in the Air though.  I wonder how many people were aware at the end of the film when they are all sitting on the couch watching TV what is playing on the TV?  You hear Morgan Freedman's voice narrating March of the Penguins.  This was very fitting ending to this film.  In March of the Penguins, the mother penguins go out to sea, and many don't come back because they are killed, and the father penguins are left alone to take care of their young.  Also, the same yellow quilt is seen on the mother in the hospital room, and it is the same one the family covers themselves with in the final scene.

I also participated in a LIVE Global Meditation on December 31st.  It was already 2012 in the southern hemisphere, so we all gathered from all over the globe online to seed our future 5D timeline...we are co-creator beings and our time has come to manifest a New Earth. Are you guys ready?  Okay,  LET'S ROLL.