Monday, February 27, 2012

Carefree Sunday @ The el Pedregal

Cornelius Bishop
Lead Singer

Another 'perfect' weather day on Sunday.  Headed up to the el Pedgral for their first concert of the new season.  They now call their concerts series, Carefree Sundays.  The always fabulous R & B group, Silhouette performed, and they had the place on their feet dancing, dancing, dancing.  In all the years I have gone up to the el Pedregal for their concerts, I never saw so many people dancing.  Everyone had a great time.

Later on Sunday, I watched the Academy Awards...with a Leoless Best Actor nominee.  I was sad Leonardo DiCaprio wasn't nominated for Best Actor.  I am very happy Jean Dujardin won for The Artist... he deserved the award.  I would have been also extremely happy if Demian Birchir won for his stellar performance in A Better Life.  I liked the film A Better Life even more than I liked The Help, probably because it's more relevant to today's 'help,' and the problems they face.