Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fountain Hills Art and Craft Festival

I spent Saturday morning walking around the Fountain Hills Art and Craft Festival.  It turned out to be a nice rain and some sun.  I got there just before 10:00 am, so I got a great place to park, and it didn't start getting crowded until about 11:00.  Last year after taking a few jewelry making courses, I loved going to all the Art Fests to really look at the jewelry.  I had a new appreciation for all the jewelry designers and makers work.  This year just after taking one painting class, I was really into studying all the painters work.  I even asked a few questions of them, which I never did before.

After spending a couple of hours at the art fair, I headed back to Me the Artist for another Saturday afternoon of painting.  I am kind of getting addicted to painting now.  I'm always one of the slowest students in the class, and always way behind the group, but I still have a good time.  As soon as I am done with my painting, I always want to start over because I know I can always do it just a little better.  I have picked days to paint where the selected painting of the day seems a little easier for a non-artist like myself.  I know I will go back again and try to tackle something a little more difficult.

Yellow Bird