Sunday, November 27, 2011

Small Business Saturday

One thing I don't particularly love to do  I would rather be anywhere than in a mall shopping, so I buy only what I need, and that's it.  So the big after Thanksgiving shopping weekend to me is a non-issue.  On Black Friday my husband and I spent the day hiking in the mountains working off our big fat Thanksgiving dinner.

I received a few emails from small businesses I have supported in the past about Small Business Saturday®.  On Saturday, November 26th, American Express offered its customers a one-time $25 credit for spending $25 or more at participating small businesses the day after Black Friday.  The 2nd annual Small Business Saturday® is a day dedicated to supporting small businesses on one of the busiest shopping weekends of the year. They ask people to Shop Small at their favorite local stores and help fuel the economy. When we all shop small, it's huge.  I totally agree, plus local merchants keep more money circulating in the local economy, so it's a win win situation.

I only have and use an American Express card because I need it for my Costco food shopping.  There was nothing in particular I needed to buy this weekend, so when I received an email from Desert Stages Theatre asking me to donate the $25 to them to help them weather the economic storm..I was more than happy to give them $25.  They need it to keep their theatre going, and I don't need to buy stuff I really don't need.  It's a win, win all around.