Saturday, April 7, 2012

Titanic 3D: Rose's Journey to Her Creative Heart Center

I have seen the film Titanic in a movie theater more than any other film.  So it's no surprise to people who know me that I went to see Titanic 3D too.  I was a Leonardo DiCaprio fan way before Titanic came out...actually the movie that made me a fan of his was William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.  The reason I love Titanic and saw it so many times had nothing to do with him or his performance in the film...sorry Leo :-(     I love this film so much and saw it so many times solely due to the character Rose, and her journey.  No matter where you are in your life...a good place, a hopelessly bad place, or just a short term ugly need to get off the door and blow the whistle just like Rose.

Rose is laying on top a door floating in the middle of the freezing Atlantic Ocean, but instead of giving up and dying there, she awakens to realize that she and she alone is worth living for, and then she gets the inspirational idea to get off the door and swim over to the dead guy and blow his whistle in order to save herself.

Get off the door and blow the whistle.

Last month at our neighborhood Bunko get together, all of us who attended knew of someone who in just the past several months committed suicide.  My husband's former real estate broker/owner killed himself at 53.  My neighbor's gynecologist killed herself at 39, and everyone else there knew of someone who decided life is too hard and hopeless and killed themselves.  So my prayer, my wish for humanity is that no matter how hopeless things get, you awaken just like Rose.  You get to a place where you feel that you and you alone are worth living for, and you connect to your creative heart center to get inspirational guidance that helps you out of whatever predictament you are in. 

Since I first saw the film Titanic, I have been saying a very simple prayer every night for my fellow brothers and sisters of Earth..."Get off the door, and blow the whistle."

I always get teary eyed when Rose is blowing that whistle so determined to save herself.  The only other part of the movie that gets me choked up is when they are panning Rose's pictures at the end of the film.  When they come to the picture of her on the horse at the beach in front of Santa Monica Pier...I always start crying.  But I am crying because I am so happy for her, not sad. 

This is the face of someone who is happy to be you can only shed happy tears for her.

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters,
compared to what lies within us.