Friday, September 9, 2011

Intro to Wiring Wrapping Class

Last Fall I tried my hands at a few jewelry making classes.  I took an intro to beading class and one for wire wrapping.  I enjoyed the beading class, and did not care much for the wire wrapping.  I thought it was too labor intensive for me.  I find I enjoy designing a piece of jewelry, but don't care much for putting it together.

Well I took another wire wrapping class this week at a different beading shop.  I thought maybe I would like it more a second time around.  Well, I didn't.  I definitely liked this class better than the first one.  The teacher was much more patient and friendly, plus there were some very nice ladies taking the class with me.  In this class we were to make a pair of earrings, and a pendant.  I only got one of my earring made, and I broke the wire on my pendant before class was over.  :-(   Oh, well.  I had fun at the class, and I am happy I gave it another try, but wiring wrapping is just not for me.  I'll stick to just beading.