Thursday, October 28, 2010

Artist Date, Week Seven ~ Carving My Pumpkin

Last Sunday I went to MacDonald's Ranch, got on a hayride with all the little kids, and went out to their pumpkin patch to search for my Halloween pumpkin.  I bought one large one and two small ones.  Today I carved a design in my pumpkin. I had a lot of fun doing this, and made we wonder why I have never done this before.  This turned out to be a perfect Artist Date, not because my design and carving abilities were  perfect...they weren't and that does not matter one bit.  But the fact that I got in there and JUST DID IT was perfect, and that matters a whole lot.

Living is a form of not being sure,
not knowing what next or how. 
The moment you know how,
you begin to die a little. 
The artist never entirely knows. 
We guess. 
We may be wrong, but we take
leap after leap in the dark.