Friday, October 22, 2010

Artist Date, Week Six ~ International Gem and Jewelry Show

I just came back after spending a few hours at the International Gem and Jewelry Show.  I am tired, and my eyes are spinning around.  So much to look at today.

I use to go to this show when I lived in Chicago, but then I only cared about the jewelry that was already made.  Today I pretty much just concentrated on buying strands of beads so I can make my own bracelets and necklaces.   The entrance ticket is also good for Saturday and Sunday, so I may go back if I think I might need something else.  Let's face always want something else...but do I really need something else? It's all about how much money do I want to spend.  The 6th week of the Artist Way course is all about tackling a major creative block - money.  You are asked to really look at your own ideas around money and creative abundance.  This week  explores the ways in which our attitudes limit abundance and luxury in our current life.   I'll let my intuition lead me back to the show or not...that's how much I trust it. 

The more we learn to operate in the world based
on trust in our intuition, the stronger our
channel will be and the more money we will have.